a beautiful day in the neighborhood
etc etc and so on
happy trails to you
till we meet again.......................
and so on and so on and so on to all!
this old phrase is time to go nowd
but i kinda like it around a bit longer
so i'm parking it here for the day or year
so i can visit with it like an old shoe in new dressing
and chow down on it whenever the heck i feel like saying
wonder what that old line was from last winter
yea i know its still winter
but lets see what sunshine does for mood swings and feelings
and future times too
today is it
today is the day
today is happy days are here again
the sun is bright and clear again
and walkin in the rain is dear again
lets sing a bowl of cheer again
happy ways are dear a dent
uh oh!
the words just flew like glue out the window so blew
how the hell we gonna catch em and keep em where theyz saphoze to be? huh? now how dat gonna happen today ma man eh?
so lets give em a fuckin whirl
a spin around the proverbial block
erase that line it's a suck one
tooooo many words for this old guy to play around with
why just the other day - really closer to early evening
you know
when its not really dark
and its not really light
do I fuckin have to spell it out?
it was in the twilight zone after all
neither here nor there chopped liver all around
and I was wondering
maybe if there were like
ok lets say 300 or 332 words
or ok ok ok
lets say 381 words
lets fuckin be generous today -why not - it's the holiday season I heard a lot about -
ok can we get back now
so lets see there are like ok only so many words
well - hello- that is fuckin beautiful
you get it? you with me?
now we're all talking the same talk! we're saying the same tune
we're speaking the same song
and everybody knows it
now what 's that?
what’s that we fuckin got here?
peace on earth!
I mean peas on hearth
get me herb
or urb
or that urban cowboy from the 43rd ward
he still runnin around like a chicken without even so much as a head
better off dead than red
or better off having turkey or being a turkey
on such a fine day as this one
sure is pussy nice
that's what the dogs were just saying to me the other day
around the pizza parlor
near the hair salon
not far from the ice cream emporium
where you can look
and you can search
and you can ask and ask and ask
until your face is bloooo all over the race
but there ain't no fuckin way you'll ever find yourself a banana split
so don’t start asking
gimme one, gimme one, gimme more, gimme more
britney to the rescue once again
that calming soul
that healing balm to a smitten soul
thank god for the britney's of the world
those oooozing narcotics that take the rambling mind and
smack dab whapp it up the side of the head
putting a smile where just a fuckin minute ago there was a frown - no I mean a wrinkled brow
so full of lines you could drive a fuckin truck from here to there and back to California or eternity
and then POW! WHUPP wow woolly there ain't nothin there but clear sailing
calm seas and lots of peas
that's what we call "religion is the opiate of the people"
and I call it hello mary sunshine
let the rain and sun and tomato plants join hands in holy matrimony and holibaloney
but keep the folks
hey including yours truly
as happy as a pig in shit
or a clam in the dam
or even a kid in a toy store
didn't I just fuckin finish tellin you that it's the holiday season?
and let me make this as blunt
as clear
as straightforward as I can possibly be
if you can't have a little fun in life
why the hell huh?
ok so you reading me loud and clear
ha ha ha ha ah
onward Christian soldiers
there is no clarity in rain
no clarity in sun
or clarity even in fog
I’m not the kind of fellow who waxes poetic with a burning desire to fry small fish in a large skillet with olive oil and rhubarb chunks floating oooo ever so slightly near the top
with cold water sprinkled in from a finger
ever so rarely
just to test the heat?
no fuckin way
just to make the sucker go HISSSS
you know why?
cause we like the sound
we don’t like it we LOVE it
makes our jillies jingle
and makes our eyes blink
and brings back the little moment of magic when for one spit of a second we are a kid seeing and hearing and smelling it for the very
yes the VERY first time in our whole goddamn life
and that my dear is the essence of things
that in each and every breath we take each and every smile we smile
each frown we frown each smell that we don't even know entered into our fine long or short nostrils
there is the beginning of recognizing that life is precious
so dear so new so alive
so wondrous
so full of discovery
and that discovery is so fresh and exciting that it makes us tingle inside and be glad we are alive and make everyone glad we are all alive and having such moments of pure bliss
just moments of pure pure pure
unadulterated bliss
just moments
just blissssss.
even a while without a tune
so its time to add
a jingle
a wake up
and howdy doo
just a wee one if you'd permit it
just a sprite when we're alone
but a nice tale about some fellow
bout his times
and bout his girl
he's a happy fellow mostly
damn- that's boring so they say-
but I'll share some angst and drama
he'll ignite along the way
now to usual thoughts of breakfast
putting clothes on
showering too
can you believe there's nothing doing
in the words i write to you?
better dream up happy flowers
little quince
and baseballs too
since my mind is thinking brownies
that i need to order out for few
used to be I'd write to no one
just sit down and fill my space
with the rambling thoughts of AK
and the words that hit my face
But i seem to have an audience in mind
readers maybe one or none
and they fill my thoughts just slightly
yet i smile as type - i do
and as rhymey as that is with glue
i think maybe climb back in my bed
with the room painted blue
how do you do
ooo, ooo, ooooooo
So, SO, true...
Happy holidays
today is a beauty
like the sun on the sand
like the rain slapping at puddles
like clear snow on white woods
like fresh breezes blowing past our breaths
today is a beauty
inside and out
don't wear it out
let it get out
and let it get in
deep where it wants to go
deep where it should devolve
to turn our insides beautiful like peter max skies
and rainbow hippies
and kama sutra colors
corny as hell
and available to the masses
and just oozing out of us like new found gooey stuff
with licorice flavors
and hot fudge all over
whipped cream
and cherries
whole lots and lots of cherries
much more than you'd be given in any self respecting ice cream parlor
just smacked stuck globbed all up an down and sideways
covering and stuck into and onto that old ice cream sundae
like it was already way the heck up to Tuesday already
or maybe even - what the hell-
get my drift and picture about how big a beauty it is today
inside and out
if i don't get in the shower fast
my bird will become my best friend.
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